

  • These knobs offer weighty, precise, and responsive control, enhancing the immersive mixing experience. Softube’s engineers have meticulously designed the Console 1 Channel Mk III with Analog Feel™ potentiometers, providing an unrivaled tactile experience reminiscent of premium outboard gear....
    But a 12 year old map seems a little obsolete and now I've got stuck! I think I've registered everywhere, scanned a lot of threads, read a lot of tutorials and I will soon be 73 years old. Fantastic! Since I'm not (at this stage) interested in all new and fancy features I'm satisfied with this...
    The letters of the first or က class are gutturals ( ကဏ္ဍဇာ ) those of the second or စ class are palatals (‌ တာလုဇာ) those of the third or ဋ class are cerebrals ( မုဒ္ဓဇာ) those of the fourth or တ class are dentals ( ဒန္တ‌ဇာ) and those of the fifth or ပ class are labials ( ဩဋ္ဌဇာ). According to...
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